phase 5. Generativity/Phase #5. 2016 Research-creation
phase 4. Flesh Waves. 2013 Research-creation
phase 1-2-3. 2005-2010 Flesh
Waves is an augmented reality performance exploring the relationships arising
from the interaction between the body in movement and technologies of sound
spatialization in real-time. Under a faint glow appears a three-dimensional
human sculpture: five women, bodies intertwined, form a physical collective
body. Acting as the sixth performer of the piece, the sound also surrounds
the spectators, integrating them in the live sound form – the sonic
collective body. Research-creation. La démence des anges. 1999-2005 In
my second creation, la Démence des anges, I wanted
to explore the concept of alteration, of mutation of the body when it is
projected inside digital networks. The performance involves a telematic duo
that incorporates two spaces that may be thousands of kilometres away. In
this work, the notion of the sacred engulfs the concept of telematics, which
is related to what I propose as a new openness with respect to past corporeal
limits and ideas on time and space. Telematics also brings forth ideas of the
demiurge, omnipresence and ubiquity. Research-creation.
Communion. 1995-2000 In
this performance, I developed the idea of a ritualized change from the real
body to a synthetic body. This change is expressed through the ritualization
process of the real skin towards an electronic one (electronic
scarification). Thus, Communion can be seen as a kind of prayer, mantra, or
invocation. It speaks of the fusion of real and electronic fleshes. Collective works In collaboration
with artist Stéphan Ballard. Canada. 2002-2009 Digitalized
body sculptures / Series of 3-D images in movement using Inspeck
3D technology: The
collaboration of Isabelle Choinière and Stéphane
Ballard resulted in the project Exuvie which displays sculptures of digitalized bodies;
the project invites the audience to contemplate, to mediate by meeting
another reality; one leading to the revelation of other layers of perception.
By truly reflecting on the modern processes of mummification, this
installation is an invitation to a poetic trip through time. It is by pushing
the limits of the devices’ resolution that we aim at penetrating the body
matter, which enables us to scrutinize in an optimal way the potential of the
corporal skin in order to discover a synthesis pattern which would be rooted
in the origianl intention of the expression of the
total body. In collaboration
with photograph Jean-François Gratton. 2007-2010 Having
met at the Focalized Movement II
project organized by SAS Gallery commissioner Frédéric Loury, Isabelle Choinière choreography/artist in media art, and
Jean-François Gratton, photographer, have begun a common work based on
‘shared obsessions, thus revealing reality.’ Using a hybrid and mutant
artistic process, they worked on the dancing body as a corporal mass, a
‘collective body’ through the medium of photography; a hyper reality that
reveals the experience of corporality and the virtual through the high
definition that was made possible by an architectural camera. Hidden
Bodies (Corps cachés)
– photographic Installation This
process reflects ton the unseen image; it constitutes an invitation that
stimulates imagination and curiosity. The series of pictures featuring two
intertwined bodies very simply lets the viewer create its own vision or
interpretation of the shots. Frame and outer-frame
are both present, creating a king of play between the frames that allow only
a small portion of the image to be seen, thus proposing a much more active
perception. This series of pictures was created for the SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL
exposition and is the result of a common research between Isabelle Choinière and Jean-François Gratton. |